Uw giften zijn zeer welkom

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We at the foundation believe it of high importance that children in the future can contribute to their own livelihood. We believe that good quality education is of the utmost importance.

The Tanzanian government partially supports the costs.  The parents still have to financially support the children’s school clothing, and the attributes needed for school. It is a fact that not all parents have the financial means to support their children going to school.

For those children who fall by the wayside we still want to give those children the chance to go to school. Every year our project manager in Tanzania, Stephen visits the villages and our friends to draw up a list of those parents who need that extra financial support.

Based on the list we in the foundation will seek out sponsors who are prepared to individually support a child or provide a financial contribution in support of the initiative.  


Students 2020

In 2020 thanks to the sponsoring we were able to support 59 children from the region Bariadi to attend the primary school or high/secondary schools. Of the 59 children, 20 were in their final year at high/secondary schools, and the good news is all of them passed their final examinations. We are all so grateful to those who supported these children and hope that we can count on further support.

Future for these students

With the successful completion of their studies these children are in a very good position to follow a higher education or find a good job. We do have some wonderful examples of the positive impact that a good education can have on the youth of today. In the “this article” written by our chairman you can read of two particular examples.

Financial Support

Would you like to sponsor a child for school?  That is possible for €35. You can provide support for the future, for both the child and his/her family.On behalf of the foundation (stichting), our friends and their children; thank you very much.


Bank Details:

  • NL42 ABNA 0845 7073 02 
  • Stichting Vrienden van Bariadi
  • Sponsorship education
  • €35 per year 


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Stichting Vrienden van Bariadi

Het bevorderen van het welzijn en streven naar een verhoging van de kwaliteit van leven in Shinyanga Region, Bariadi District, Tanzania.

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De stichting heeft een ANBI status, dat wil zeggen dat uw giften fiscaal aftrekbaar zijn.

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