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Friends of Bariadi - Newsletter October 2012

maandag 01 oktober 2012

Time Out to Ponder on the Future Activities of the Foundation - Friends of Bariadi.

Since the visit of Gerrit and Perwien late last year to Tanzania, and there feedback to the members of the foundation a decision was taken to have a short time out and reconsider and ponder on the activities and programs for the coming period.
Of course this has no bearing on the friendships that exist with all our friends in Mwondi, Dutwa, Ditima, Kahama, Fella and Bariadi etc.
You are all still very much embedded in our hearts; no more so than when we were all confronted with the death of our lovely friend Amos.
And just recently overjoyed to hear of the birth of Grace, the second daughter of Stephen and Rahabu Ngonya.
There is a song written by a very famous English songwriter entitled the ”Circle of Life“ which is inspirational and yet real.

In the circle of life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life.

”My inspiration in life is;- The moment at hand is the only thing we really own“

We hope to visit you again early next year with the intent of building on our friendships and relationships.
Who that will be is not yet decided.

In recent months the members of the board and advisors have held a number of brainstorm sessions to review and evaluate the activities and results of the programs of recent years.
We expect to complete our deliberations and finalize our future programs for Education, Health and Water Management in the coming months.

We have also contracted an internet company to rebuild and redesign the web site; and it is our intention to translate part of the web site into the English language - making it possible for our friends in Tanzania to follow and keep in touch with the foundations activities.

Tony Stanton - 29th September 2012.



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Stichting Vrienden van Bariadi

Het bevorderen van het welzijn en streven naar een verhoging van de kwaliteit van leven in Shinyanga Region, Bariadi District, Tanzania.

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